How to scientific fertilize potatoes in winter

1, should not use too much chlorine fertilizer

Potatoes should not apply excessive amounts of chlorine-containing fertilizers. When the concentration reaches a certain level, the roots of the plants will be toxic. It will reduce the starch and sugar content of the products, affect the yield and quality, and in severe cases, the crops will die. Therefore, use ammonium chloride, potassium chloride and other fertilizers with caution.

2, base fertilizer application of organic fertilizer

The basal fertilizer is applied to commodity organic fertilizers. If the ordinary farmyard fertilizers are applied, they must be piled through high-temperature decomposition to kill the grass seeds and pathogens. The compost can also be aged for one to two months if conditional; the fertilizer applied in the base fertilizer should be separated from the seed potatoes. 3-5 cm, so as not to affect seed germination and emergence.

3, leaf fertilizer to grasp the timing

When foliar spray of trace elements and diglyzem is required, the spraying effect should be better before 10 o'clock in the morning or after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The height of the seedlings was sprayed 30 cm after the first spraying, and the second and third spraying were repeated every 7 days. Increase the absorption of nutrients and enlarging vitality of underground fruits, and promote the growth rate.

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